"What is now proved was only once imagined"
"The potential of the average person I'd like a huge ocean, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some greater good"
"Life itself is a fleeting ever changing moment"
"If there was no death would we be so impatient? So materialistic? So egotistical?"
"Cease the experience of contracting your emotions. Feel without limitation"
"We are born into a world with do many dreams and possibilities knowing that in the end we will be led to the gates of death"
"I have always believed that Christianity goes beyond religion"
"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
"Christ is universal"
"No race or religion can profess to have a monopoly over God"
"There is a common thread running through all spirituality and religion"
"Only the liberated mind can know itself"
"The Master himself is the mirror by which you see the reflection of your own soul. It is the Master as the servant of God who paves the way for you to know who and what you really are"
"I have always been more fascinated by the prospect of what humanity can be tomorrow more than what is today"
"Sound created light"
"There is a cosmic dance within your own soul"
"The more I comprehend the complexity of the Universe the more I bow with awe before the immensity of my Creator"
"In the garden of spirituality it is wise to look at all the flowers offered by all the religions for then you will know that they grow from the same soil and they are watered by the same hand"
"Buddha was filled with Christ Consciousness"
"We need to protect our own flame from the raging wind of life's circumstances"
"The brain is not the mind. But the mind operates through the brain"
"Mind is the intelligent thread of consciousness which is self aware"
"All is mind"
"Everything is alive. Nothing is inanimate"
"If we concentrate intensely on an object neurons will wire together causing us to experience more of these feelings in our lives. And through this process we can seemingly magically affect physical circumstances outside of us"
"We should contemplate our aliveness"
"To be vibrant we must connect with the aliveness in every cell of our brain and human organism"
"We die because the impulse for life, to aliveness, within us is not strong enough and therefore fades in time"
ANDREW CHARALAMBOUS Is passionate about the environment. He beleives the best future of mankind lies in behaving more harmoniously and less exploitatively towards our planet. He also believe that the best interests of humanity would be served in a coming together of science and spirituality.
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